Missing/bad checks in built-in checklist
It seems that some checks are not listed in the built-in MSFS checklist and is in discordance with tutorial of the "PA-28R Turbo Arrow III-IV MSFS manual.pdf" document :
- Battery voltage check
- Baggage door closed should be in Pre Fligth - Exterior
ENGINE START (both Warm and Cold)
- Throttle should be 1/4 Travel (not Half Travel)
- Alternator should be swith on after engine start (not before)
- Mixture value is not set (empty) for Cold Engine, should be set to Full Rich
- if Primer is used, then after engine start Fuel pump is not set to LO (add Fuel Pump to Lo after Engine start)
- missing Fuel selector switch to check that the engine
operates correctly on both tanks
- Raising landing gear should be in the CLIMB checklist with a Raise value
- it is written that parking brake should be released but it is not written as set in the CLIMB checklist
- engine cut-off test is not listed (magnetos to OFF then BOTH and check engine stop before it restarts)
In addition, my game is in french and the checklist is mixed with french and english :/
Were some updates made on those items ?
There are still discrepancies (not mentionning the partial translation that seem to be simulator related).The RW checklists from the POH are quite vague, and sometimes look more like a voodoo dance than actual usable C/L...
So at minimum the actual C/L of the addon should be reviewed to be correct with themselves :For example, you can't prime if the mixture in in cutoff (no fuel flow, no pressure rise), but that's what the C/L asks you to do.
I won't mind if I had my papers with me... but I only do VR (no better way to fly in MSFS I guess), so the ingame C/L are my best reference.