Can't throttle up
Have the exact same problem with my Thrustmaster T Flight Stick-X Joystick, the throttle slide works fine on all other A/C including the F15, I can operate the throttle via the keyboard F2/F3 or by using the mouse to push the throttle up, once powered up the slide will power down but that is all. this has occurred during the last week. I have tried re-assigning the Throttle axis etc all to no avail. Again, no other aircraft is affected like this. and I have deleted all ThrustMaster drivers and reinstalled updated ones, I have also reinstalled the hawk download once by repair and once by a full delete and reinstall. Any assistance with this will be gratefully received.
@dumpy Thank you for sharing your experience, so others know what doesn't help. As a temporary solution I settled the "X slider" as "Throttle 1 (0 to 100%)" and unchecked "reverse axis". It works, but this setting is not so precise. I have this saved as completely new profile, used for fast jets (Hawk and Starfighter) with linear characteristics for every axis. But I hope there will be found cause and real solution soon.
My joystick throttle isn't working either (although I can use my keyboard F2 and F3 buttons). I switched from "Throttle Axis" to "Throttle Axis 1" to no avail. I also tried the throttle axis 2, 3, and 4 with no luck. In every other plane it works fine. I just bought it today, so I don't have a timeline of when it started. I use the Logitech 3D Pro joystick. Any recommendation is appreciated.
@hans-mike said in Can't throttle up:
@dumpy Thank you for sharing your experience, so others know what doesn't help. As a temporary solution I settled the "X slider" as "Throttle 1 (0 to 100%)" and unchecked "reverse axis". It works, but this setting is not so precise. I have this saved as completely new profile, used for fast jets (Hawk and Starfighter) with linear characteristics for every axis. But I hope there will be found cause and real solution soon.
@liongenz9629 said in Can't throttle up:
My joystick throttle isn't working either (although I can use my keyboard F2 and F3 buttons). I switched from "Throttle Axis" to "Throttle Axis 1" to no avail. I also tried the throttle axis 2, 3, and 4 with no luck. In every other plane it works fine. I just bought it today, so I don't have a timeline of when it started. I use the Logitech 3D Pro joystick. Any recommendation is appreciated.
I have the same problem as liogenz9629. It was ok until after latest msfs update.
@flyinggolfer My Thrustmaster Warthog throttle doesn't work, but my Honeycomb Bravo throttle does.
RetiredMan93231replied to ttwong on 19 Jan 2022, 08:56 last edited by RetiredMan93231 19 Jan 2022, 08:58
@ttwong The default MSFS bindings for the Thrustmaster Warthog assigns "THROTTLE 1 DECREASE" to the switch at the full aft position of the left throttle lever... So, if you position the left throttle lever full aft, it will continuously send this command. If you have re-assigned the right lever for throttle control, the full aft switch on the left lever will override it, and it will prevent you from increasing the throttle.
@retiredman93231 Thank you, I'll try your suggestion, currently dealing with another issue related to the landing gear.
Having the same problem as others, using Thrustmaster T16000M
Is there going to be an update/mod to cure this?
my thustmaster T Flight hotus one has same issue. only with this aircraft
The next update is due for release within the next week and will include a fix that allows you to use any/all of the various possible throttle assignments again, but it should still be possible to assign a throttle axis as above in the meantime.
I have a Warthog HOTAS. I have Throttles 1&3 mapped to the left throttle and Throttles 2&4 mapped to the right throttle. Whenever I stop moving the throttle forward or back, it springs back to idle. If I start to move the throttle again, it will jump to where it was and then when I stop moving it again, once again it will spring back to idle. The Hawk is the only aircraft I have tested that has this behaviour. I've tested with the F16 and the F14 and both of those work as expected. I've checked my bindings on all controllers and I have nothing set to Throttle Idle, so it shouldn't be an override/conflict with anything else. Help! At the moment, the Hawk is completely unflyable which is really disappointing as I was so looking forward to flying it. I run MSFS from Steam and am on the latest stable build.
Your best bet would probably be to contact Just Flight support. They can probably help with this kind of thing.
@derek Raised a ticket this morning, and a couple of different options were given. In the end it turned out to be Fuel Valve assignments that caused the issue as the fuel valves are used in the Hawk to switch from Idle to HP Off. If I don't switch the fuel valves on with my HOTAS and manually click on the levers instead, it all works. Thank you for your help. Thought I'd post this response incase any one in the future experiences the same issue.