White Blanked out tablet and radios
When I load up the Hawk in the sim, the tablet and radio show a white blanked out screen. I cannot get the tablet or radios to work.
Mine are not white blanked out, but I can't get them also to work. And my HUD is also not working
I run with hotfix
WT G1000 NXi 10.1 -
Leaving Dev mode on gaves me back all displays even when I load the plane.
Dev Mode off: displays off when loading the planeSo, maybe there's a setting in dev mode I have overseen, or sth is wrong with the mode.
However I leave dev mode on for now.
@guenseli When this issue happened to me, but with another aircraft, it was another livery for that specific aircraft that caused the white screens. If you want to try this solution, move out of the community folder all the liveries for the Hawk temporarily and see if it helps. If not reinstalling the Hawk is the next step. A cfg file might have been overwritten. Hope this is of any help.