Copilot and Weight
In the manual, it states that when the copilot is enabled their weight is added to the load. This seems to be true to some degree as when I hit the switch to turn him on and he appears next to me the suspension of the aircraft sinks a little and there is a squeak as though a fatster had just parked his pasties on the right seat. However, when I look in the load sheet the P2 weight field is still empty.
Is he or isn't he adding weight and if so how heavy is he? And if he is why doesn't this appear in the weight/balance/fuel screen?
@jazz Unfortunately the MSFS payload/fuel menu values don't always update themselves to reflect changes that we make via our custom-code but the change in suspension position confirms that the weight is being correctly added.
The Copilot weight is probably the same as the Pilot weight (170 lbs.)...
@retiredman93231 Perhaps, but isn't assumption the mother of all **** up's?
@walterbeech You would be amazed how heavy a bag full of pasties are.
Opening up the Fuel & Weight overlay from the menu bar doesn't show the weight?