Altimeters / GPS
@harry_906 Until JF can fix the problem with the MASS switch clickpoint overlapping with the GPS buttons, a good workaround is to just use the [Right Arrow] keyboard key to temporarily move your view slightly to the right before clicking on the GPS screen buttons... This will move the MASS switch clickpoint further to the right of the GPS and eliminate the interference.
@retiredman93231 Thanks, will give that a try.
@harry_906 I just tested the GPS altimeter compared to the cockpit altimeters and they all agree on my system... But, I am using preset CLEAR weather so the default altimeter setting of 29.92/1013 is correct. If you are using LIVE weather, you might need to adjust the cockpit altimeter settings to the correct barometric pressure to get them to agree with the GPS reading.
Also, I noticed that the default speed shown on GPS is GROUND SPEED, not IAS, so it won't agree with the cockpit gauge either...
harry_906replied to RetiredMan93231 on 24 Oct 2021, 12:49 last edited by harry_906 24 Oct 2021, 12:50
Thanks, the GPS workaround is great!
I am not so much worried about the GPS altimeter, but the two barometric altimeters should be the same if they have the same pressure setting i.e. standard on both.
Having said that, if I climb another few feet the top one also shows 10 000 feet. The issue is that it should show 9 900 feet before ticking over, like the other one, not 9 000 feet. I flew almost an entire flight 1000 feet too high because I looked at the top right altimeter and did not notice the other one until later.
Also, as can be seen, both are dead on 10 000 on the needles, but the read-out is 100 feet off in the bottom one and 1000 feet off in the top one.
I have no doubt it will be fixed, just wanted to make the devs aware of this with my post.
I know it is a sim and not everything is "life and death" but kind of annoying and irritating once you spot it.
harry_906replied to RetiredMan93231 on 24 Oct 2021, 13:33 last edited by harry_906 24 Oct 2021, 13:34
@retiredman93231 Please go to JUST under 10 000 feet. You should see it then.... I think.
As I said ... it ticks over and shows correctly once you go through the height... in my example 10 000 feet.
@harry_906 It looks like the hundreds digit is rolling over a lttle later than it really should... Submit a bug report to JF Support and see if they can do anything about it.