Just installed TG very poor frame rates
Hi everyone
Just installed traffic global, only one aircraft at EGLL, manual says nothing about p3d settings such as where I should set my traffic sliders in p3d 5.1
I’m assuming you need to adjust these sliders until you get the right balance. I had one aircraft on the ground at EGLL and frame rates dropped to near zero.
I have a very high spec PC too. I only need traffic with in 100 miles of my aircraft , is there a way to do that ??
Today I will try winding the sliders back and see what happens, but one aircraft at Heathrow really ?
I’ve compiled and installed as per the manual
Any suggestions I could try ?
Thanks in advance for any help
You only need the top aviation slider for your Airline Traffic leave the GA slider at zero you should see more than one aircraft , set the time to 0900hrs in the sim before loading, EGLL is more of a load as you have EGLC and EGKK in the area. I use Gatwick to Heathrow as a test flight for settings if you can fly there smooth your good to go.