Piston & Turbine Dukes

274 Topics 1.7k Posts
  • Nosewheel Touchdown Screech Plays Late

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    I just finished playing with this myself. There's definitely something fishy going on. The sound is instantaneous on the exterior, but there is something on the interior delayed after the nose touchdown, but sometimes before the nose touchdown too. I'll pass this along to my sound designer and see what the problem is. Thanks for pointing it out. I always thought it was just the tires skipping down the runway after a bump.

  • ILS with 750gtnxi

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    22 Posts


    Problem solved, I watched the attached YouTube video.


    I have now made several ILS approaches in the Turbine Duke without any issues.


  • Piston Dukes engine wind down

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    @Black-Square I think it's something about the linearity of the rates.

    What I mean is this: In the Turbine Duke, the prop goes from invisible, to moving at perhaps 50-80 RPM (visually) in a fraction of a second, even though the NP indicates it's still spinning faster than that. But, after becoming visible, it does indeed take a while to stop. The animation doesn't depict a smooth deceleration from disc to visible blades at all (to whatever extent that it should be). Also, the audio seems to end long before either the NG or the prop stop spinning. It feels like the audio should last a bit longer, and the prop should have a somewhat more linear rate of deceleration. (To whatever extent that is realistic.) This is true of the TBM as well.
    For example, the spin downs of the Lancair Evolution and FlyJSim Dash 8 Q400 in Xplane 12 seem a bit more realistic, although even the Dash 8's props just suddenly stop at the end of their animation... So maybe just the Lancair? It's audio is also more consistent in its taper off. Of course, I'm open to hearing that the Lancair is the one that's wrong.

    Finally, while the TBM 700 seems to take a while to feather its prop after shutdown, as per your linked video, the 850 and later models seem to feather much faster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfSDPwsIAlo

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Aircraft that are inherently stable should converge back to their trimmed state, assuming their CG is properly balanced. However, not all planes are inherently stable, as stability is the opposite of maneuverability. Generally, the more high performance an airplane is, the less inherently stable it is.
    All of that being said, I find the Duke to be quite stable when trimmed, and hand flying it is a joy.

  • Cockpit persistence

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    10 Posts

    @Randolf Loading Position is working now - thx

    And by the way: AAO was updated today in the JustFlight marketplace.

  • Making my Livery

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    I created another thread to be able to have a blender model ready for painting, and a photoshop one too. Hope someone steps up to do it.

  • ATT and Spad.Next bind

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    @Randolf thanks for the hint - I will take a look to your AP-Template.

    and thanks again for your savestate solution :-)

  • Save state not working?

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    11 Posts

    For AAO-Users there is an "external", but very useful nd nice solution to manage state-saving:
    Thanks to @Randolf

  • Love the sound, but need headphones shortcut!

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    7 Posts

    For an example of how it's done well (imo) look at the Lear35 from FSW - there it's on the tablet which is really not ideal but makes the a/c tolerable for long distance - really mutes the high freq whine from invertors? which is a vicious burrowing earworm :-)

    My personal pref would be to a). click on the headphone jack socket and just add a visual marker that it's engaged and b). an LVAR to enable binding via h/w.

    Currently on both turbine and piston, but esp. piston I have to use my windows audio panel to attenuate the sim during climb and then put it back again before landing. Really breaks the immersion for me and sound is such a HUGE factor in my enjoyment of any a/c.

  • Is there a patch coming soon?

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    4 Posts

    @Black-Square Great! That will do for sure! It will be Punta Cana to Dubai. I want to challenge myself to always keep the engines at 100% health.

    Hopefully this patch will drop soon? ;)

  • HCS Voicepack Errors while using Duke

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    9 Posts

    I see that you found a way to send the message. Thanks for sharing his contact information. I just sent him an email, so hopefully we will hear back soon.

  • 0 Votes
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    Thanks for all the notes! It's always my power users who discover the most obscure bugs. The RNAV localizer 360° wrap-around was already reported on this forum, and the fix is ready for the next update. As for the needle positions, it may be due to the fact that the wraparound allowed for inadvertent selection of OBS courses beyond 360°. The update should fix all that shortly.

    Indeed you found something from the Piston Duke that accidentally made its way into the Turbine Duke! The fuel flow failure triggered the loss of a circuit that does not exist in the Turbine Duke. I've fixed that as well. Thank you for letting me know!

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Piper201 said in If you have engine problem - check your bindings (Honeycomb Bravo):

    SimHanger Flight Simulation

    Yes they do. I set up my Honeycomb Bravo using their tutorial back in 2020, but a lot of thing changed since than LOL

  • Can't engage/use CWS

    2 Votes
    46 Posts

    Good question. Yes, you should be able to use the control assignment "Flight Director Pitch Sync" in the simulator's control options. You just have to make sure "Control AP Pitch with Hardware Events" is selected on the tablet in the aircraft.

  • More radio config options?

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    @Randolf I just think, since it's already been made, it would be a nice customisation addon. I'd like to be able to remove the ADF and KNS-81 personally anyway (like I said, dual GTN750s would be awesome).

  • Radar altimeter

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    I was just doing a test with night flying and saw it come on very briefly (perhaps the 2 seconds that the audio should play?). Tested a bit more and it stays illuminated longer the less VS you pass it with, so it is just connected to distance below DH selected.
    The lamp is however supposed to stay illuminated untill you reach 20 feet AGL so it should have stayed on for my screenshot.
    alt text

  • 0 Votes
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    @Mustang For what it is worth I decided to to change the "Yoke" set up for the DC-6's.
    4 mags and one switch, I removed the L,R,Both and Start...Then...I got really feisty and cleared out "All" electrical bindings...on both Wheel and Throttle. There are times I can't get my fingers behind the engine controls...like right after Take Off. So it may be a little "Old School", I just use the Mouse". And also the Lear 35 (PWS) just got an update and I noticed the landing lights would not go out at all, and that is with the above "No switches" set-up, SU-15 issue adding fuel to problem?

  • Flight plan not loading in GNS 530/430

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    15 Posts

    @Nicotine70 This is a Life Saver Thank You so much been pulling out my hair to try to figure out why all of a suddon it didn't work but with advice it works for me again Thank You

  • [Turbine]NG rpm gauge out of calibration

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    Quite to the contrary, I am shocked and disturbed that none of my beta testers caught this, nor did I. It looks like the scaling from the TBM snuck into the Duke at some point, and I never fixed it. Thanks for pointing this out!

  • Paintkit to be used with blender?

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    I'd prefer one for Photoshop, or a combination.