Air Hauler 2 for X Plane. I have Given up. !!!!!
OK, thought AH2 would be good. I have been flight simming since the beginning of FSX. (Many years). I spent 3 days trying to get Type Rating for Carenado Baron 58. Mostly, AH2 would not connect to X Plane 11. When it did, it gave the first instruction to fly a certain compass direction. That was it. I ended up in Scotland nearly. After 2 very frustrating days I eventually manage a full circuit and landed a Greaser at Luton Airport. Then I was emailed that an update was available. I thought ah, that may improve things. Sadly, no. It said run the installer twice. Once to uninstall the previous version, and again to install the update. Don't worry, the details of my company wouldn't be affected.
Would you believe, I lost my company, and also lost the hard earned Type Rating for the Baron 58. I have just reinstalled it, rather naively on day 4, and lo and behold, it gave me one direction and then ignored me. I have never come across such a temperamental piece of software in my life. I am staying with FS Economy. It NEVER lets me down, and didn't cost me £32. -
Sorry to hear you've had problems. AH2 has been around on P3D for some years and the functionality in X-Plane is the same. The X-Plane software has been reviewed already. This may help:
Also, there is a Twitch stream from the developer:
OK, I’ve had another go, and managed to complete a type rating for Carenado Brain 58. From Luton, I was told to climb to 3400 ft indicated, and fly various directions. I kept going until I was almost over Bristol, when I was told to land at departing airport. I was a long way from Luton, but made it back OK. One thing I’m not sure about, The green receiving light only comes on very occasionally. For a couple of seconds then goes red, disconnected. Is that right, or should AH2 be connected to Xplane continuously.
Carenado Baron 58, not Brain, Auto spelling not very helpful sometimes.
@Roger-Bush said in Air Hauler 2 for X Plane. I have Given up. !!!!!:
OK, I’ve had another go, and managed to complete a type rating for Carenado Brain 58. From Luton, I was told to climb to 3400 ft indicated, and fly various directions. I kept going until I was almost over Bristol, when I was told to land at departing airport. I was a long way from Luton, but made it back OK. One thing I’m not sure about, The green receiving light only comes on very occasionally. For a couple of seconds then goes red, disconnected. Is that right, or should AH2 be connected to Xplane continuously.
I think it would help you to visit the official AH2 forums. Loads of assistance and advice on various topics over there and you can post your own questions where they are likely to be answered in a quicker fashion.
Glad you didn't throw in the towel and hope you'll be enjoying it and getting more out of it soon, it's certainly worth the investment of your time.Official forum is here: