WB 172 - GPS Knobs not working v1.0.8
I've installed the newest 1.0.8 release of the WB 172 today and it seems that I cannot interact fully with the knobs on the GPS & ADF.
A number of functions rely on pushing the control knobs in on the GPS, however if I hover over the centre of any of the control knobs a little open hand appears and when I left click as I normally would, nothing happens. I can rotate the knobs, just unable to press them in.
I've also tested using both Legacy or Lock cockpit interaction system settings and its not working with either system.
I really enjoy the new features that have been added with the recent updates and look forward to flying this model more once this bug is fixed.
Gareth -
Your not crazy...spent an hour on this. The cursor on the WT GNS 530 AND 430 is NON_FUNCTIONAL. MAJOR oversite. I am reinstalling the last older version, version 1.0.7. There is also a version 1.0.6. I keep ALL purchases of ALL aircraft from FSX and MSFS on an external drive. I did not focus on the ADF as it is the MAJOR device that has all the systems for the WB C172 in it. I did have some trouble with it trying to get to the failures etc... I am sure they will take this seriously and fix it pronto. Its also not to big of a deal on the 530 as my flightsim builder, which will display the 430.....some what and the 530 perfect is working just fine with the newest 1.08. Not to confuse that I CANNOT operate the cursor on the 430 no matter what.
Just put the version 1.07 and ALLS IS WELL!! Also the ON/OFF Volume does NOT work in the update 1.0.8. Basically somehow they majorly messed up the WT GNS 530-430 and must have paid all there attention on the update. The WB sim C172 aircraft is an AWESOME job and I KNOW they'll get it fixed PRONTO.
For those having issue with the GPS.
Please follow these instructions:
Left click in the centre of knob, indicated by a "hand" icon, and while still holding down the left mouse button, right click.