A Quality Light Twin! Please!!!
Dear Justflight,
Firstly, I would like to say how much I am enjoying your Piper Arrow. I learned to fly on the P28A and went on to build hours on the complex P28R. I think the Arrow is the best single out there for MSFS.
However, can I get down on bended knee and beg you to produce a light twin to the same standard? Please??
Ideally something like a Beechcraft Duchess (I got my MEPL on the BE76) or a decent version of the BE58? The standard BE58 in MSFS is appalling and unusable (I also loathe the glass cockpit). I purchased Carenado's Seneca as an alternative. It's very pretty. But since they have not modelled one engine inoperative (OEI) performance, then its pretty useless. It struggles to maintain level flight OEI!
What I would love is a 'steam gauge' light twin which has fully modelled OEI performance and built to the high standard we love in your P28A and P28R.
The RealAir Duke and turbine Duke was my favourite twin in FS9/FSX!