Concorde Strobe Lights
- How are the existing strobes shut off?
- The real concorde had strobes at near the fuselage at the leading edge wing root (one on each side) would sure look cool to have those modeled...Or am I not seeing them?
No I really mean strobes....Here is a video a took of Concorde when it came to the Oshkosh, WI airshow:
Regarding strobe power switches, it seems that the aft strobe still continues to flash with all overhead switches off.
Best Regards, Tim
@tjblank They're not strobes under the cockpit area, they're called turn lights, switches are on overhead panel, far right.
Landing lights fold down from underneath oleo gear bay doors and at leading edge wing roots.
Aft strobe is a stock Asobo light but it may be a bug, will add it to the checklist for bugs.
@tjblank Hah, I can just see them now in the video! Okay, added to the list for a future addition. The lights are normally nav lights there, but it appears they may have more than one "setting" so I will have to research that before making the change. Easy enough to do though.