Flight illusion gauge compatibility question
My favorite go-to aircraft is the Piper Arrow III in Xplane 11. To that end I am working on setting up a partial home cockpit with actual gauges for the manifold pressure and rpm. My primary sim is Xplane but with the release of the JF Arrow III for MSFS 2020, I will also give that one a try.
I can get the gauges custom made from flight illusion but before I spend the $$$$ is there anyway to know for sure if the gauges and the interface that is needed for them will work with the JustFlight Arrow III aircraft in both Xplane and MSFS 2020? -
That will not work for me. I have a RealSim GNS530 which utilizes an Arduino Mega 2560. Simvim has to use a 2560 also. So whenever I connect and program the Simvim 2560 it disables my GPS buttons. It’s a known issue with Simvim and RealSim and is documented on the Simvim website. Besides, how would I create two gauges with Simvim that are only 83mm square (with a 80mm dia display) that would fit where they need to just to the right and below the yoke enclosure? The money is not an issue to get what I need, but it would be nice to know if the flight illusion gauges will work before I have them shipped from the Netherlands.