Tornado F3 VHF frequencies
I'm trying to save a frequency on the Channel selector for the V/UHF radio. Setting the desired frequency with the desired channel, there is no SET CHAN switch to press and rotate clockwise. There is a SET CHAN flick switch but on my sim (P3Dv5) this does nothing. The RFCI display shows the changed Agency Name and this is editable, but this is not accessed via the start menu - BTW, I found the .exe in the Panel folder. Can you explain how to set a revised frequency step by step for me please as I am unable to change the default frequencies?
Is there a text file I can edit the default frequencies outside the sim that would make the required edit?
Many thanks, Gary -
The frequency data is stored in JF_TornadoF3.cfg which can be found in folder %APPDATA%\JustFlight\JF_Tornado_F3\P3D.
Editing the preset freqs with Notepad works perfect for me. The only caviat is that if you enter a freq which uses 3 decimals (like Coningsby TWR 124.675), the 3rd decimal digit is ignored by the radio display which reads 124.670. Nonetheless, the radio connects with Coningsby TWR just fine. -
Following this, I was able to update the frequency card (Shift-2) so it shows the changed frequencies, unfortunatelythis does not translate to the VC VHF display when the preselected frequency is selected. Back to the drawing board, hopefully support will be able to assist.
@Voice-of-Reason I would appreciate that.
Message I received was 'I see you have an answer from the forum - Ticket closed'.
This was closed after 'unfortunately this does not translate to the VC VHF display when the preselected frequency is selected.'
Thanks for checking - I sent a second support request after it was closed, but no response so far. -
@GaryG Misunderstanding caused the initial ticket to be closed, sorry. Support have your new ticket and are waiting to hear back from our internal developer with an answer or guidance. They'll get back to you, might just need to be patient for a short while. Thanks.