Lorby AxisAndOhs v2 MSFS Compatible?
When searching for MSFS products on your site, Lorby AxisAndOhs doesn't appear in the results, and on the Lorby AxisAndOhs v2 page of your website (https://www.justflight.com/product/axisandohs-v2), it states that the software is compatible with P3D v5, P3D v4, P3D v3, P3D v2, Flight Simulator X and FSX: Steam Edition. However, on that same page it shows a YouTube video entitled 'Lorby AxisAndOhs: Flight Controls (MSFS)', which implies that the software is also compatible with MSFS.
On Lorby's download page, there are separate download options for MSFS and FSX/P3D versions.
Can I check whether the product you sell above is compatible with MSFS?
Having looked around the JF website, I have seen that MSFS is mentioned a number of times in the AxisAndOhs Changelog (https://support.justflight.com/support/solutions/articles/17000109523-axisandohs-changelog), so I presume that MSFS is compatible with the software.
I feel it's worth pointing out that, though, that besides the absence of MSFS in the compatibility section, the sim isn't mentioned in the system requirements either. It is, however, mentioned in one line in the product description, referring to a mouse-controlled yoke. I am confused and any clarification you can give me would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you, Derek.
I understand that you have to publish the details the developers give you and I'm grateful that you give us up-to-date information. I'd much rather buy the software from Just Flight than any other market as I have always been very pleased with my purchases and after-sales support from you.