Jetways / Air Bridge
Evening Ladies & Gent's, I have found that when connecting to jetways with Sam or Autogate the jetway seems to be almost a metre above the bottom of the L1 door. I am not sure if its just me that's experiencing this however if you are I have adjusted the door position in plane maker to rectify this. :)
However be warned if you choose a stand with a jetway that's clearly designed for a heavy aircraft the jetway will not look right ... at all. :eyes:
Open Plane Maker.
Open the just flight 146-300.acf located in the aircraft folder.
Click Standard -> Viewpoint.
Navigate to the Dock Ports tab.
Change the values in "has boarding door1" in the third box along to the ones in the image below.
Click file -> save.Then you are done. Enjoy connecting the jumbalino to a jetway =]