Few bugs but good so far!
Looking good so far great to fly! Few things ive had so far
At night I can hear crickets???:rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: Driving me insane! Think something unwanted crept into the FMOD
Not sure where the Tablet is taking GS from but its incorrect. At FL280 at 380kts GS on HSI, Tablet was reading 190kts
My avitab is coming up blank when toggling between the Jusflight/Avitab mode on the tablet.
It may be by design but when selecting RNAV on the copilot side the HSI doesn't show anything. Everything reads 000
The FO Flight director is slightly out of alignment to the right. I do alot of right hand seat ops and makes following the FD harder.
list item To echo the other comments the reflections are way too overdone. Needs to be toned down or at least a toggle
Other than that loving the aircraft! Nicely done!!:beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
This Crikets sounds drives me crazy too lol
@Cedric-Hunter Im at a loss to know where it comes from....did two flights earlier and its gone? So strange....
@Cedric-Hunter My cricket is still in the cockpit :( , I think it's only at night.
I have to say I find that you need a stupid and out of thrust to start taxiing and to maintain a decent speed. 60% N1 is not acceptable