Some bugs
I bought the plane some hours ago and I have to say that to start learning how the Concorde work this is really good. But I spotted three (I don't know if knowed) bugs. The first one (more important) is that the Taxi Lights dosen't turn on. The switch is on but no Taxi lights on the ground (screenshots). The second one there are some texture like doubled (screenshots) and the third is that the Landing lights illuminate the cockpit like there is no fuselage.
The image links appear to be broken, sorry. I believe the taxi light issue is already known and perhaps there might be a forthcoming update which includes a fix. Now you mention it, I too have noticed a double texture on the lettering on the forward part of the overhead panel. :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:
Your best bet would be to contact Just Flight support and report the problem. If it is fixable they can get the developer on the case.
@Cpt_FireAndIce Just seen this one, sorry for the delay in replying! Taxi lights have been an issue for a while, but I'll be taking another look at them soon. The Virtual Cockpit light issue is also a problem with Prepar3D and has not yet been fixed by LM. The doubled up panel light is my fault though, an oversight, I will address that one in an update soon :)
@DC1973 Can't wait for the update then! ;)