Enjoyed first 2 flights but.....
My understanding is this product designed with P3D and later adapted to FSX:SE so thanks for supporting old time simulator. I have flown two flights so far and have enjoyed them however, I do have some glaring issues.
#1 TCAS does not appear to be working (is there an "ON" switch I missed in the manual/tutorial?)
#2 Both artificial horizon gauges are very difficult to read (though the appearance feels like the right angle). They appear
functional but I have to zoom in to interpret the reading.
#3 ILS/GS. There is a little needle-chasing on final but the glideslope has failed to hold on both attempts as wells as a dozen
approach test flights. Including fully established on Localizer in zero wind conditions, at various weights from 245,000
lbs and less (to 3% fuel) and approach speeds varying from 220 to 170 knots.
#4 I interpreted from the manual that the override switches would handle the fuel transfer automatically. Either I am not
selecting the correct sequence of switches to activate this feature, or it is in fact NOT automatic as the aircraft will
constantly move out of CG if unattended. Though I have configured my cameras to quick reference the CG / transfer
switch it is rather impractical for single pilot flying to be constantly adjusting this while on descent/approach.
#5 No "Vmo" needle / "barber pole" on the IAS. It's a good reference to ensure Concorde is performing within limits during
climb out to ensure no overspeed.Let me be clear that I have really enjoyed flying this model. I find she handles fairly well hand-flying and have NO issues achieving Mach 2 stable climb and cruise (though I creep it up to 59-61,000 feet since documentary I watched indicated normally Concorde drifts up to these levels as fuel burns). Ground handling is superb. Fuel burn I am still comparing to range performances with various loads (I think it burns about 3-5% too much fuel but I haven't done the zero wind range tests).
Hi, glad you're enjoying Concorde!
The TCAS is on with the avionics, and picks up any AI traffic that's about - I've seen such traffic on numerous occasions so I'm pretty sure it's okay ( it actually leverages the GPS and radar system I built for my fighters ). It may however alter depending on the GPS screen's zoom level, so that may cause it to lose track of aircraft that would otherwise be in range.
I too find the horizons hard to observe easily - they're in the right places and orientation, as you say, compared to the real Concorde, but I think I might have to alter the readings on them to be clearer for simulator use.
I hear this problem a lot, but have not suffered it myself. The ILS beams must be intercepted from below ( an FSX and P3D issue ) for the GS to track properly, and Concorde must be at or below landing weight and at 210 knots or thereabouts for things to track well. That said, I do appreciate that the autoland feature, which uses the stock autopilot, is tough to handle - I don't have the coding skills to build my own better version unfortunately!
The O/RIDE fuel switches do work, honest! They transfer fuel automatically as soon as the tank levels are reduced to a certain level. I'm ashamed to say that I have forgotten which way they go though as it's been a while since I looked at them ( it's an age thing! ).
I did try to implement a barber pole, however the complex way that Concorde's max airspeed varies made it somewhat difficult to implement correctly. I intend to include this as soon as I am able, as the variables exist with all the sims, it's just coding them in correctly that takes the time.
Dean -
I will conduct a more aggressive test of the TCAS but I'm sure you're right. I haven't tried to really test it but, I have flown out of a busy EGLL airport and didn't see traffic but was also busy so could be just my age and lack of observation lol. I'm in the range of close to 30 ILS tests with no weather implemented, Accu-feel uninstalled completely, landing weight 240,000 lbs or less, and I always intercept glideslope from below with all aircraft (not sure if any aircraft works otherwise). My next crossing I'll play with the fuel control switches more.
Truly appreciate this product to bring my favorite bird back in my sim. I'm looking forward to seeing further refinements (ie barber pole) and I know it was mentioned but the reheat switch control rather than throttle position would enhance the creep climb to higher altitudes without having to juggle the throttle position.
On an update to my personal progress I continue to play with autopilot/aircraft cfg and am starting to see some pretty good results for LOC capture and GS tracking at prescribed min/max landing parameters but, I have to test how they affect the other phases of flight and overall performance spec.
Happy Holidays!!
Would it be OK for you to share the cfg parameters you're changing please? When you think they are stable enough I mean. I need to do some testing myself. It's unfortunate in a way that FSX only uses the trim to fly the plane and not use control surfaces in addition.
TCAS appears to work fine here. I've had AI aircraft taxy by me and they are showing on the display as are the occasional ones in flight (I hardly have any AI craft due to performance)
@HighBypass said in Enjoyed first 2 flights but.....:
Would it be OK for you to share the cfg parameters you're changing please? When you think they are stable enough I mean. I need to do some testing myself. It's unfortunate in a way that FSX only uses the trim to fly the plane and not use control
surfaces in addition.Well what bothers me is that some users (and developer included) report that the AP ILS/GS works okay and with a fresh install concorde nose-dives after first attempt to hold GS and LOC was very sloppy. I've made significant progress but unfortunately, changes usually have negative effects on the rest of the aircraft's performance so it could take a long time. I'm doing this because unless more people report issues I doubt it's going to be fixed by author.
TCAS appears to work fine here. I've had AI aircraft taxy by me and they are showing on the display as are the occasional ones in flight (I hardly have any AI craft due to performance)
In addition, the Auto fuel management switches (ORIDEs) Do in fact balance the fuel. I need to study which tank serves which gauge so I can load fuel for slightly shorter flights and not fight with CoG problems. And I see now the TCAS functions. Unfortunately, I fly mostly on mutliplayer networks (ie Vatsim) and have yet to see the TCAS picking up MP aircraft but they may be a client issue no concorde interface... to be continued.
@SpeedbirdCanada said in Enjoyed first 2 flights but.....:
......so I can load fuel for slightly shorter flights and not fight with CoG problems.
As a quick start, remove some fuel from Centre 2 (fsx fuel and payload) that way you have room to pump fuel back ASAP if required and of course less fuel in Centre 2 to begin with means less fuel overall.
I'm trying to alter the autothrottle parameters such that the autopilot will not kick in the reheat at subsonic speeds, nor will it do so for the supersonic acceleration from Mach 1.5 ? to 2+ (autothrottle_max_rpm) I've set it to 96% and will experiment further. I'm looking to set the Mach hold at 2.0 and leave it there during the supersonic climb without having to nudge the speed up in 0.1 increments. I may alter the rate of climb according to skin temperature. Obviously this change will not give reheat for TOGA I believe, but I personally can live with that (if I'm going around then some of that process will not be on autopilot.. for me anyway ;) ).
One thing we can hopefully all agree on is to have a Merry Christmas!! :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: