Update change logs (edited 24/05/21)
146 Professional
Larger updates are available to download from the place of purchase. If you have the SkunkCrafts Updater plugin installed, smaller updates are available more frequently and only the updated files will be downloaded, saving bandwidth and avoiding the need to re-install the entire aircraft at every update.
v1.1.1 (24/05/21)
- Beacon flashing pattern made more realistic
- OAT gauge now always indicated in degrees C
- Fixed geometry aft of weather radar
- Improved ASI knob usability (supports click-and-hold)
- Increased volume of altitude alert callouts
- Added aircraft ICAO code
- Pop-up window VR compatibility improved
- Fixed engine overspeed annunciator light so that it doesn't get stuck after testing
v1.1 (12/05/21)
- TMS take-off callouts added: "TMS set to XX (if on)", "Power set, flex/N1 achieved"
- Additional approach call-out added for glideslope intercept: "Glideslope alive, one dot to go"
v1.0.7 (11/05/21)
- TMS: Limited the TMS actuators to avoid excessive values in some cases
- Improved handling of custom liveries that do not follow the naming conventions
- Jetway bridge attach points fixed
- Custom altitude callouts added for approach
- MWS logic improved, including automatic cancelling of red/amber warnings that are no longer active
- N1 and TGT engine instrument bugs are now set automatically when clicking on the speed card
v1.0.6 (07/05/21)
- Tweaked camera cage, so that open doors can be traversed
- Bounding box now adjusts to different fuselage sizes
- Fixed switch sound
- Refined gear friction values and chock logic
- Accounted for more brake behaviours (given hydraulic pressure loss, reservoir, etc.)
- Made freighter cargo doors require hydraulic pressure
- Add freighter door annunciator
- Cargo Smoke test added to overhead Test Panel
- Improved green hydraulic system pressure gauges
- Annunciator logic: Fuel Pump LO PRESS and Engine FUEL LO PRESS lights
- Fixed anti-skid annunciator light
- TMS: Add ability to sync to N1 in SYNC mode
- TMS: Fixed engine synchronisation problems
- TMS: Chevron indicator thresholds adjusted
- Improved fuel system, especially for edge cases
- Brakes are now dependent on their selected hydraulic system pressure
- Fixed issue where N1 indicators could snap to 99.9 unexpectedly
- Added VR compatibility for the Checklist and TMS pop-ups
- Fixed pitch setting for Co-pilot's Flight Director
- Added altimeter automatic sync functionality (click on centre of standby/FO altimeter baro knobs to sync to Captain's baro setting)
- Pressurisation: Fixed CABIN HI ALT annunciator not working when in MAN mode
- Tablet screen: Fuel values can no longer become negative
- Tablet screen: Fixed frozen cargo weight for freighter
v1.0.5 (05/05/21)
- Added chocks, visually and functionally
- Added hydraulic system effects to brakes
- Improved TMS (Throttle now independent of TMS logic)
- Fixed rear seat row in 100 version
- TMS no longer on when starting from cold and dark
- Created camera collision bounding box for VR (Makes it easier to navigate)
- Enabled experimental flight model (No longer necessary to enable it in-sim)
- Added VR click spots to some tablet interaction zones
- Fixed annunciator test button flicker when cold and dark
v1.0.4 (01/05/21)
- Improved engine instrument drum animations
- Fixed back left passenger door on cargo versions
- Added Window and Panel reflection controls on tablet, and adapted to combi version
v1.0.3 (30/04/21)
- Fixed capitalisation error affecting Linux users (Speed cards empty)
- Added logic to change rolling friction coefficient with weight.
- Fixed in-panel callsign of EI-CTO livery
- Made ITTs cooler, for better high-altitude climb performance.
- Introduced a way to reduce TMS issues when hardware throttles have jitter.
- Fixed autopilot pop-up LNAV button light
- Fixed VR click spots for tablet (when not in AviTab mode).
v1.0.2 (30/04/21)
- Tweaked passenger ladder to consistently rest on the ground (respecting W&B)
- Calibrated nose wheel oleos
- Corrected conversion ratio for total fuel weight in iPad weight control panel
- Made door animations smoother
- Put Vspeed bugs in agreement with each other
- Added passenger night lighting (dependent on NAV lights and time of day)
- Reduced some logic components' skipped frames, to make them smoother
v1.0.1 (29/04/21)
- Added controls for window and instrument reflections (on the "Doors" Pop-up panel)
- Tweaked gear compression settings
- Changed ground speed units on EFB tablet status bar to KT GS