DC-8 in v5
Hello Justflight, I was curious if the DC-8 will work in v5 as it is now and or if it doesn't are there plans to update it to v5?
an updated version of the DC-8-73F for P3Dv5 would be great.
@JF: Any plans to do that? -
@PeteFly82 In all honesty no, we don't have the capacity and there are a number of other projects on the go currently I'm afraid.
Not sure if it's of any interest but I have The DC-8-63 working in P3D V5 with the only problem being that the start switches don't work properly but Control + E works fine. I re-downloaded both the 10-40 and 50-70, selected P3D V4 but pointed the installation to P3D V5 and it all worked at least for me. Repaints have been a but finicky but I have been able to install two which after some tweaking work fine.
Nice airplane in V5 - for me it seems better than V4. Haven't tested the autopilot but the Just flight version of the FMC takes inputs correctly although I still have to try a route.
All in all pretty good progress so far,
Hope this helpsWarren
Hi again
Tested the autopilot today and it seems as good as the original - just like to original it is not very user friendly - usable once you figure it out. In any case it seems functional in P3d V5.
Warren (aspen31) -
Installed me too..the only problem are the green nav lights that gives a green tint on the right side of the airplane
@flightmaster76 Look for my green glow fix in this forum. There is full functionality in v5.2. Toss the manual when it comes to the fuel system, because I don't think whoever wrote the manual had contact with the developer. Very vague. There are enough posts about the DC-8 in v5.2 (which isn't many, this forum not being very active) that a motivated person should be able to fly it just fine. I don't know why anyone would have to use Ctl+E to start it. You start it up like any other jet: make sure it has air, power and gas. It's all right there. Very satisfying sounds and effects. Experiment. Seek and network. PM me if you get stuck. It's a beautiful airplane from the age of the jet set with tons of liveries available. You can start with Ship One and go all the way up to the weird looking high bypass turbofan engines and a very basic FMS. In reality, I imagine a lot of the earlier birds would have INS systems, which are not simulated. But it will follow a flight plan just fine and you can just imagine you punched in all those coordinates.