JF, Please give us the Option to Determine the Flow!
When flying with Active Sky XP, TG seems to be unable to predict the correct wind at arrival. And that is no surprise since ASXP sets this wind constantly and TG seems not to be aware of those changes. I do not even know where it gets the current wind at the destination from.
So it predicts a flow that is actually not proper for landing. E.g., when the wind is 5 knots South it can easily change to 10 knots East. TG is still landing from to the East, because it fixes the calm wind for the innocent user that asked for the current flow 40 miles off the runway.
Since ASXP tells the wind it expects on its interface, the user could easily enter the runway he wants to land on if TG had an option for this.
Update: To add, I read your rant about using FlightRadar24 or user picked flows now. I understand that it is not real life to select the runway in the air. I am also ready for replanning. However, TG will FIX the wrong flow for 15 minutes when I ask for it, and not take into account the actual weather. That is my problem.
Would you be so kind as to send us a support ticket https://support.justflight.com/en/support/tickets/new or send us an email to support@justflight.com ?
We can then gather some more information and make sure you have the latest versions of each and pass on any info to the developers for you if necessary.