Doesn't work
I'm sorry to say that this plane is a shame.
- In the manual it's not indicated exactly how to set the various system.
- It doesn't climb more than FL480. Speed goes down and the plane starts going up and down.
- I'm flyin at FL 480 and speed doesn' go more than 270 kts even with AB inserted and COG is perfect in the middle of the indicator.
- Vertical speed doesn't work.
What's going on? 35 Euros wasted? It's worst than Rikkoo Concorde.
Someone, please, helps me to solve these problems. (I have reinstalled twicew with no change)
I'm using Prepar3D 4.5
Other issues :- Com radio panels are off and it's not possible to set up radio frequencies.
- When at parking stand how to shut off the engines? I've tried all the switches but nothing to do. I really hope someone can make a tutorial or a better manual.
Have you read the manual? Literally everything you have described is detailed within the manual. Concorde will not reach Mach 2 at altitude unless you follow all procedures throughout the cruise climb portion of the flight. The manual itself shows the airplane at Mach 2 with images and detailed descriptions of how to achieve this. All radios work via their master switch, and there are two different sets of switches available to shut down the engines - one on the overheads, the other by the engineer's left leg. I'd love to help here, but none of your reported observations are bugs at all.
In addition, if you're "wallowing" and slow at FL 480, it's because you're too heavy and you tried to climb too fast. In real life, as in the simulator, Concorde climbs gradually to height in a cruise climb, accelerating as she goes. It can take up to an hour after take off to reach Mach 2 sometimes, depending on the atmospheric conditions. Please read the manual, where all of this is described in detail, before reporting back. Cheers
I apologize if I wrote something wrong. I've been reading the manual but I didn't find what is in your posts.
I will read it again and, anyway, thank you indeed for your exaustive esplanations. It's been very kind of you. -
@delc You're welcome. The engine shut down valves are labelled as such on the overhead panel, and tagged with Fuel Valve when you put the mouse on them. Set them to closed, and you shut off the fuel to that engine. Shut off all four, and then use the battery and avionics switches on the engineer panel and Concorde will be fully shut down. Radios have a little silver power switch to power them all up. Forward panels use a large grey knob to turn on, and the GPS has a similar knob should you wish to use GPS to support your navigation ( recommended out over the oceans ).
The manual contains a tutorial flight from Heathrow, UK, to Kennedy International, USA, which details every step of the flight with heights, airspeeds, climb rates etc. VSI works normally, just hover your mouse over either the VSI numbers on the autopilot panel or the little knob beneath them, and adjust accordingly.
The point where you have to be most careful is actually landing. The autopilot can't handle Concorde very well at low speeds, so set 200 knots approach speed in the autothrottle / IAS panel, and keep it there until close to landing. Take manual control for the final approach - you'll need some back-stick to help keep the nose up ( and make sure the CoG gauge is as far back as you can get it by pumping fuel aft ). You can then slow to around 180 knots for landing. This is a little faster than the real Concorde touched down, but it's acceptable. F2 for reverse thrust once the nose settles.
I have had some similar issues and yes I have read the manual.
The main problem I have; is that I find the aircraft starts to shake and become uncontrollable at speeds above around 320kts. Page 55 in the manual is supposed to show Concorde climbing through 34,000ft at Mach 1.5, however the screenshot shows the Mach meter reading M1.06... I wonder if this is because the aircraft becomes uncontrollable above this speed?
The fastest speed I have been able to achieve is M1.61 at FL600.
I reckon the Concorde is above its max weight when the aircraft loads, but nowhere in the manual does it state what a typical payload might be and that still doesn't explain the loss of control above 310kts. Yes I am keeping the CG within the limits according to the gauge.
One other thing - page 54 of the manual says to set "take-off trim to 'up' 60%" - where in the cockpit is the trim gauge for this?
Overall, for the price, this is a good product just a few things I haven't mastered yet with the manual.
Thanks! -
A few pointers:
Max taxying weight 412,000lbs
Max take off weight 408,000lbs
Max landing weight 245,000lbsIt loads in the sim with a touch under 410,000lbs. The first place you would look at removing weight from is Centre2 tank - this is the tail trim tank, so you need space in there to move fuel into during the climb!
Take off trim should be 25% nose down (that's 25% of the sim range, I did set it to equal the number of degrees set in real life). Not sure where the '60% up' came from? The aircraft has a natural tendency to continue pitching up as it is rotated and begins to generate lift.
1.5M will probably be reached a little higher than 34,000ft - I'd say above 40,000ft. At 1.7M drop the afterburners and then you are looking at a gentle cruise climb - once you are in the 50,000ft and above region it will be measured in hundreds of fpm, and you should find that as weight decreases you'll eventually be climbing in tens of fpm. Interestingly, over the North Atlantic 58,000ft was about the max height attained usually and the machmeter in the cabin would click over to 2.0 slightly below that to ensure that everyone had the 'twice the speed of sound' experience. Top speed was primarily dependant on the temperature at the nosecone!
Landing, well at the correct weights you should be able to get it down to about 164kts - initial approach 30kts above this. There is a lot of ground effect, maintain a 10.5 degree pitch through the approach, you will probably have a high throttle setting because of the high drag. As you enter ground effect retard the throttles and gently hold the nose up with aft stick.
Hope that's useful,
Paul. -
Reading again the manual and following the precious advices of DC1973 I was able to make a perfect flight from VTBS to VRMG. It's necessary to make a step climb to keep speed and consume fuel so it will be possible climbing to FL520 and then accelerate to mach 2,2.
Found the radio master switch and Fuel shut off.
Thanks again -
Beware this plane doesn't like weather engines.
I had a big problem of instability at takeoff. it came in fact from "REX Sky Force for P3Dv4", the concorde does not support the disturbances of this weather engine. I removed the effects and everything worked.As far as speed is concerned, I was able to go to Mach 2.2 without any problem.
@Mangouste It's developed with real-world coefficients, same as many other aircraft and the sim weather is massively overblown (both default and add-on). It's been discussed several times here and elsewhere.Turn your wind and turbulence down to about 15%, you should find it much more pleasant.
Paul. -
@DC1973 I have been disappointed that around 2,000 ft. on landing using Autopilot the plane just drops to the ground. I think your manual should have said that AutoLand doesn't work, and that engaging ILS is useless on landing, and that you have to maintain altitude manually.
@Cropduster47 said in Doesn't work:
I think your manual should have said that AutoLand doesn't work, and that engaging ILS is useless on landing.
I'm new here, HI, :smiling_face_with_sunglasses: but have several JF -bought products in my virtual hangar. and this Concorde is the latest (bought a couple of days ago). Anyway. When the ILS button is selected... THE ALT HOLD DISENGAGES! Hence she will descend. I re-enaged ALT HOLD when I realised what was happening.
What I have launched a ticket over is the glideslope indicator - it appears to be reversed. When intercepting a localiser for an ILS say at about 20 miles away on the DME at an appropriate altitude (3000 feet of the 05L ILS at Manchester) the GS indicator should be at the top of its travel, then when you get closer it moves down the display. However, Concorde's indicator is at the bottom of the display, implying that I'm above the glideslope. As I got closer to the runway I observed the indicator travel up the display... strange.:upside-down_face:
Regarding 60% up trim - Yes, page 54 of the manual "Set 60% up-elevator electric trim". :nerd_face: The trim indicator is just to the left of the throttles, a black sloping bar with white divisions on it.
Hope this helps a little.
@Cropduster47 @HighBypass All seen and noted chaps, added to the list of updates and bug fixes, there aren't all that many but the ILS one is important as is the ILS / ALT HOLD issue. Will sort them out ASAP.