Panel Selector is in the way
I just bought the Cessna 152 module for X Plane 11. The first thing I noticed while trying it in VR is that the "Panel Selector" floats directly in front of my face, and I can't seem to move it. I've activated the airplane with my serial number. I've restarted X Plane 11. The Panel Selector box still shows up right in front of my face.
I can use the mouse wheel to make most of the Panel Selector box transparent. However, even after I've done that, the left side of the Panel Selector remains opaque, so it isn't much better - a small vertical bar still shows up directly in front of my face. It's very distracting.
I'm trying to figure out how to work around this. So my main question is:
- Is it possible to move the Panel Selector in VR, or turn it off entirely?
I have another question related to the Panel Selector. When I left click on the Panel Selector, it opens a larger rectangle filled with various options, and it takes up even more space. This is fine, but I can't find any way to close it once I've opened it. In VR especially, this big opaque rectangle just sits directly in front of my face and makes it impossible to see anything in front of me while it's open. So my second question is:
- How do I close the Panel Selector after I've opened it, so it doesn't take up so much space?
I hope there's a way to work around this. I'd like to try out the module, but I can't fly with this UI sitting inches in front of my face the entire time.
@figment5780 said in Panel Selector is in the way:
I just bought the Cessna 152 module for X Plane 11. The first thing I noticed while trying it in VR is that the "Panel Selector" floats directly in front of my face, and I can't seem to move it. I've activated the airplane with my serial number. I've restarted X Plane 11. The Panel Selector box still shows up right in front of my face.
I can use the mouse wheel to make most of the Panel Selector box transparent. However, even after I've done that, the left side of the Panel Selector remains opaque, so it isn't much better - a small vertical bar still shows up directly in front of my face. It's very distracting.
I'm trying to figure out how to work around this. So my main question is:
- Is it possible to move the Panel Selector in VR, or turn it off entirely?
I have another question related to the Panel Selector. When I left click on the Panel Selector, it opens a larger rectangle filled with various options, and it takes up even more space. This is fine, but I can't find any way to close it once I've opened it. How do I close the opened Panel Selector, so it doesn't take up so much space? In VR especially, this big opaque rectangle just sits directly in front of my face and makes it impossible to see anything in front of me while it's open.
I hope there's a way to work around this. I'd like to try out the module, but I can't fly with this UI sitting inches in front of my face the entire time.
Just Flight support can probably help you with this kind of thing. There is a link on the website
I have the same issue. I was looking in the manual and if you mouse over the arrow that brings up the panel, and use the scroll wheel on the mouse, you can fade it out. Be aware that if you click the arrow the panel will come up, but the arrow is still behind it. If you drag the panel over and then click on the arrow again the panel closes. Dimming the arrow helps, but you still get a small vertical bar that floats in the middle of the windscreen. But at least you can fly the airplane in VR OK. I opened a ticket too. If I found how to reposition the arrow I will let you know.
I found a solution.
It is possible to move the Panel Selector in VR. In my case, I had to use the VR controller - not the mouse pointer! - to move the UI elements. Once I used the VR controller to move the panel selector (and its pop-up window) somewhere out of the way, the UI stayed where I put it, rather than always floating directly in front of my face. Thank goodness!
In my case, it was not possible to use the mouse pointer to move these UI elements. This is counter-intuitive, if you ask me, but that's just how it is. You MUST use the VR controller to grab the top edge of the UI. When you position the "tip" of the 3D model that represents your VR controller on the top edge of the arrow box, you'll see the top edge light up in green. You won't see the top edge light up in green if you're using the mouse pointer. When the edge lights up green, if you're using a Valve Index controller, you can then hold down the trigger and move the UI element. This issue was particularly confusing for me because the mouse pointer cannot be used to move these UI elements; you have to use the VR controller.
Regarding my second question, if I click on the little arrow box a second time, the bigger panel closes. It didn't make sense to me before, since I had no way of moving the big panel off of the little arrow box, so it was impossible for me to select the arrow box. All is resolved by moving the UI elements with the VR controller.
So, this is great! I can move the UI elements. It would still be nice to be able to toggle them on/off quickly. I've checked the keyboard and joystick bindings, and I can't find any actions that seem like they would toggle these UI elements on/off. Does anyone know if it's possible to bind the action to toggle them on/off to a joystick button or keyboard hotkey?
In any case, since I now know how to move the UI elements, this module is usable again. Hopefully this information is helpful to someone else.
@figment5780 Thanks so much! I was able to move the panel with the mouse, but the arrow that brings up the panel would not move. I tried the controller, and you are correct, I can now position the arrow anywhere in the cockpit. This makes the airplane usable now.