FSX Memory Errors when loading a flight with the plane?
When I load a flight with this VC10 Pro, I get memory errors in FSX:SE and it eventually crashes. I own lots of aircraft for FSX and this is the only one that causes this issue. I notice when FSX gets to about 2.6 GB of RAM in the task manager is when I start getting the memory errors. I have added MEMFIX=1 to the fsx.CFG file but I still get the memory errors. I'm confused because I thought that adding MEMFIX=1 is supposed to allow FSX to use as much RAM as needed. Why am I getting memory errors, is it something to do with the plane or can FSX only use up to 2.6 GB of ram? I just want to add that I have all Orbx Global scenery installed as well as all the REX textures for airports, buildings and clouds which are all 4K textures I believe which contributes to FSX using more RAM.
Your best bet would be to contact Just Flight support. They should be able to help with this sort of thing. There is a link on the website www.justflight.com