Which One?
Hi guys, new to this . Prepar3d v5. Which would be the best to puchase?. Looking at the academic, any help would be appreciated.
Full details are here:
An Academic licence is only for undergraduates and 'K-12 students'. K-12 is an American term for 'Kindergarten to Year 12' and it is shorthand for school.
So which one would be best to purchase?
Depends on what your P3Dv5 objective is
For most the Academic License ($59.95 USD) will provide more than enough for simulation use
Functionality between the Academic and Professional license is virtually the same -
"For most the Academic License ($59.95 USD) will provide more than enough for simulation use"
That is if you are actually a student. Otherwise, you need a pro licence. Functionality isn't the point - it's how you propose to use the software.
No, it depends on what your status is vis-à-vis being at school or university - the term used in the EULA is 'Academic Education' and is pretty unambiguous.