Blacksquare A36 (and others) - pms50 GTN750 and autopilot - solution ?
The GTN 750 in the panel of the plane does not control the autopilot (nav mode and ils approach).
(This is new, in the past everything went OK in all BKSQ planes)Tested with community folder empty, except pms50, navigraph and blacksquare planes.
Also tested without navigraph, no change.
The only way for me is to configure the plane with the GNS530 as com/nav 1.
Then I open the pms50 GTN 750 with the game bar on the top of MSFS window and enter the flight plan in this GPS.
That way, everything goes correct, seems that GTN750 sends instructions to GNS530, which controls correctly the autopilot (HDG, frequencies, NAV, ILs aprooach).
Did anyone have the same problem ?
Thank you and good day