Xbox hawk performance
Quick into,
I used to hang around these forums many moons ago probably under the name scampypants, moved over to DCS and then sold all my flight sim gear to buy a motorbike.
Currently my Xbox scratches my flight sim itch.I recently bought the hawk, the model is amazing and I’m slowly getting my head round the handling of the bird, especially the trim and roll rates.
There’s just one thing that’s getting me down, I’m getting a lot of stutter and hitching.
I normally have no problems with performance and my expectations aren’t high because it’s Xbox, in fact I have only ever had memory issues with one aircraft (hondajet I’m looking at you)
I’ve tried with a vanilla install and only the hawk installed, I’ve tried with the cache on and cache off. And nothing seems to make a difference.
Does anybody else have the same issues or is there any advice for how it can be minimised.
I’ve tried the usual clearing caches, hard resets and as stated above vanilla installs.I love the aircraft but it stays in my hangar because of the hitching it really can be nauseating. I don’t suffer any problems with other birds at high speed low level Mach loop runs.
Also if you need any Xbox testers I’m available (you probably get asked for this all the time) I’m not a RW pilot but I’ve been simming since fs2004
Rich (scampaboy/scampypants)