I am very excited about the F28 as this is my first Just Flight product. Next I need some advice or maybe bug report
altitude greatly influences the VOR TO VOR signal. I have noticed that sometimes when I am above 24,000FT the frequency, Course are not captured by the Horizontal situation indicator (HSI) but I go down to 22000FT and it immediately captures the frequencies, COURSE and I can continue with my VOR TO VOR flight and sometimes At low levels it doesn't work but it does at higher altitudes. am i doing something wrong?
when i reach the desired flight level in F28 it looks like a ship when it passes the waves. The trim goes up and down, up and down. I don't know what I should do to make the plane fly level and not like a ship.
I generally use the keyboard and mouse to fly in MSFS but when it comes to taxiing and landing the plane becomes uncontrollable due to the sensitivity of the rudders on the keyboard I can modify all this to make it much easier for me maneuver the plane on land and air?
Thank you very much and I hope someone can help me and give good tips
@steven-silva Hi, some comments:
1- VOR's signal strenght is managed by the sim itself, we can't control it. I guess it will depend on how the sim treates the VOR's information, and how accurate it is.
2- It might be possible that your speed were a bit lower than what the AP needs to keep the altitude stable. Being too light in weight may be another cause. If it happens again try first to increase the speed, and if necessary disconnect AP, trim the aircraft until it remains flight level stable, then connect AP again - it should transition form PITCH to HGT almost immediately-.
3- Operating the rudder with a key/button is not as smooth as doing that with an axis controller. Even though the sensitivity has been reduced by code for LEFT/RIGHT rudder events, they are still a bit aggresive compared to axis events. I strongly recommend to use rudder pedals or a Z-Axis controller to properly handle the rudder in all situations.
@taguilo thanks for the reply.
I made another flight with a flight level of 27000FT and everything worked correctly. but I have and still have doubts. I hope the Just Flight guys maybe look into this
I give you the reason that the flights I have made I always go empty and with fuel between 2,000 to 8,000 KGS. Tomorrow I will try cargo and passengers.
Well I have always flown all planes from FSX with keyboard and mouse. I never liked joysticks, pedals or Z-Axis. by many factors. one of them is because of the little space I have in my room where I have my PC. I hope ASOBO, MSFS, Just Flight will think of people like me who fly with keyboard and mouse. I also hope that this will improve one day because the truth is I'm addicted to this plane