VFR Real Scenery Scotland
Maybe a bit of nit picking but I cannot say that I am too impressed by this new package. It seems rushed and many things are missing which are real local landmarks. One is the second road bridge on the Forth. The rail bridge and Forth Road Bridge are detailed while the Queensferry crossing is a line. Other minor but annoying things are lighthouses which are red and white. I think that I have only ever seen white lighthouses in Scotland. It also features many houses where no houses exist. Maybe needs a bit more time to develop to remove annoying things. I know that we cannot get true reality but I have used Openscenery on Xplane and had better results in some areas.
If you can let us know the co-ordinates and a screenshot of any anomalies, such as houses where no houses exist, we can take a look. It's photographic scenery so it should be pretty accurate in that respect. NB that this doesn't add any new landmarks, but it uses the default ones such as bridges and also has a new library of some things like wind turbines.
@Derek .
I will have a look and get back on the houses as I am away for the next two weeks. I would have thought that the bridges would have been developed other than a line across the estuary. This is the case for both of the Dundee bridges as well.
Where there are already modelled bridges in the default we just leave them in (we may move/size them if necessary to line up correctly).
Some bridges in the default are supplied as basic extruded-bridge vectors. Depending on whether they are correctly placed against the real bridge images we either leave them in or exclude them and only let the photo bridges show. Where bridges are just shown by photo they will inevitably be flat on the water
In the case of the Forth only the road and rail bridges are modelled in the default so the third bridge is just the one from the photosBridges are not part of Autogen. They are either 3D library objects placed in the scenery or they are extruded vectors in the base default CVX layer. Most bridges over smaller rivers and streams will just be part of the photo but will (in most cases) have the water either side correctly cut so the bridges show over the water.
With Lighthouses there are four basic default objects in use. These are red/white, black/white, “stone” and “girder” (used for example on the Thames). Where we have identified a specific type to use we can tag the data so the appropriate model will be placed when the objects are generated. The default is red/white so unless an instance is reported to us so we can tag it appropriately they will be appearing as that. This is an area where user feedback would be useful
There should be very few instances of houses showing where they don’t exist. All houses are placed using Ordnance Survey data which is very complete and very accurate. While it is possible that there may be occasional mismatches where there have been changes since the last full survey was done these should be very rare. Again if we have information we can look into individual examples.
Just noticed that you have a red and white lighthouse on the rail tracks at the south end of the Forth Railway Bridge.
@jademarsh1745 said in VFR Real Scenery Scotland:
Just noticed that you have a red and white lighthouse on the rail tracks at the south end of the Forth Railway Bridge.
What type should it be?
@jademarsh1745 said in VFR Real Scenery Scotland:
@Derek It should not be there. It is actually on the rail tracks on the bridge.
Probably a bug in the underlying autogen code. Will take a look.
FSX or P3d?