Nose wheel Steering Issue
After the. Introduction of MSFS sim update 10 I found landings and take offs to be extremely difficult, especially as even light cross winds seemed to require very large rudder and aileron inputs to keep the aircraft on the runway, let alone the centreline. Sim update 11 seems to have partially resolved these issues, but the aircraft still seems oversensitive to rudder and nose wheel steering inputs. I believe one problem could be a result of having the steering tiller connected to the rudder controls. In the real aircraft the separate steering tiller would only be used up until around 60 kts at which point rudder effectiveness would take over and the nose wheel steering would keep the wheel straight. In the Sim having the rudder and nose wheel steering interconnected means that at increased speeds, on take off and landing, the nose wheel steering is still operating in concert with any rudder movements causing the aircraft to swerve violently. FSUIPC used to have a system where you could allocate nose wheel steering via a rudder control input, and the steering effect would reduce with increased airspeed. I don't believe this now works correctly with MSFS and I have been unable to get it to work with the 146. Perhaps it would be possible for Just Flight to adjust their system so that the effect of nose wheel steering reduces with airspeed. If anyone has found a method of reducing the nose wheel steering effect with airspeed I think that would assist.
Still loving the aircraft and looking forward to the RJ.