MSFS - Piper Series Aircraft
First of all, the Just Flight team has done an amazing job with their recreation of this series. Seeing as MSFS is the platform of the future, this is the only piper we have available. I have a few suggestions to make this series better.
- EFB improvements
- Advanced avionics
- Garmin G5, Gi275, Aspen E5
- Customizable panel
In real life, as you probably already know, most pilots fly with a tablet, some form of EFB. This is somewhat present in the Just Flight but doesn't offer any of the functionality an EFB would present. It is simply a configuration tool. I would love to see any form of EFB, whether it's Navigraph compatibility or some other product you may develop in the future.
Now for the most important part, customizability.
No piper Cherokee, warrior, or arrow is really the same. Everyone has different instruments and all sorts of cool gadgets.I would like to see additional instruments be added to the aircraft, example (Garmin G5, Gi275, Aspen avionics E5, and possibly GNS430)
And you'd be able to customize your panel to your liking. Example, maybe one flight you may want to configure your plane to have the regular steam gauges, but the gi275 HSI, or gi275 engine monitor.I'm no developer so I can't necessarily comment on licensing. I don't know how it works but seeing as you have worked with both Garmin and Aspen products in the past, it might be a less easy to secure licensing for these features.
All in all these advanced avionics adds a new level of realism. If you guys choose to take some of my suggestions into consideration, I'm open to these features being a paid optional package). Like an (advanced avionics pack).