Master switch tied to GTN750
I don't want to be "that guy"🥴 who complains about the smallest of things but here I go.
The GTN 750 appears to be tied to the Master Switch dataref rather than the Master Avionics dataref. While it has no bearing on flight characteristics, it does affect the immersion to some extent. I'm hoping JF will either correct this or advise me how to correct it.
Being flying this aircraft for years now. Great aircraft. Love the p-factor affects.
I've learned the Piper Arrow doesn't have an Avionics Master. All avionics have to be turned off individually and the payware GTN 750 doesn't have an off-on button. Therefore, whenever the master is on, the GTN 750 will also come on. -
@virtualgaa How do you turn the Avionics Master Switch on/off exactly if the aircraft doesn't have one? I have a problem with the GTN 750 where it always is off. Obviously, some people are using it OK. Used to work OK for me, but months ago it suddenly stopped working. Is there an approved fix or workaround?