Concorde for MSFS - update 1.0.3
The last update (1.03) for Concorde is proving to be, I'm sorry to say, a big mess.
On take-off, after switching the autopilot ON the vertical speed goes down like mad, and the plane crashes into the ground.
I've tried several times with the same result. Autopilot keeps pushing the plane down and down and down... until she crashes. -
@miguel-conceicao You have to dial in your required altitude first, the altitude selector is set at "0" as default. I always set 5,000ft when climbing out.
@dc1973 I've set up the autopilot prior to takeoff (speed 250 and altitude 28000).
It's when I engage AP at about 2000 feet and select IAS ACQ and ALT ACQ that the AP starts pushing down Concorde like mad. -
@miguel-conceicao Yes, okay, I see what's happening. The AP will seek to reach airspeed first not altitude ( that's how Concorde works ). You're setting an altitude that's too high for the climb profile. Concorde will seek 400 knots first. Use the Interactive Checklist to see the correct sequence, which is normally 4-5,000ft initially either manual climb or AP with ALT HOLD, level off, then select 10,000ft, then after that 24,000ft, which will settle Concorde at Mach 0.95 and ready for the supersonic portion of the climb.
Concorde doesn't fly like a normal airliner, it has to be flown the correct way for it to perform as it should.
@dc1973 Thanks, I will try to do things as you mentioned.